Thursday, November 21, 2019

Reaching out

This past week as I've been thinking of connection and small ways I can reach out I texted a few people and sent a card in the mail. I try to send a card to someone once a month so that was nothing new, but out of those four small things I got four things in return!!
First, I text my friend who literally lives one mile away ONE MILE that I haven't seen in almost a year and a half. I just said he I've been thinking of you and wondered if I could come by and visit sometime. Pretty straightforward. She replied and said YES! How about this time? We went back and forth a bit to find a time that worked for both of us and set up a date. Easy!
Second, I text my friend who was my teacher in high school. I sent her a picture of my baby and said I'm thankful for you and the influence you were on me as a teenager. She messaged me back and thanked me for the text. Win!
Third, I scrolled through my contacts and messaged a friend who went on my senior trip with me and we talk every once in a while. We chatted back and forth and it was just so nice. Then a couple days later she text to see if I wanted to go to lunch! I was so excited!
Fourth, the card I send every month. I sent it to my dear friend who was my coworker who now lives in Indiana. She has some health problems and I just wanted to send some encouragement and let her know I was thinking about her. Yesterday she text me to thank me and asked if I'd be in town over Christmas because she's going to be here and we should meet up. Hurray!!
Out of those 4 small acts I helped 4 people feel a little more connected and helped myself in the process. It would have been perfectly okay if they hadn't led to face to face meet ups. Our lives are BUSY and that doesn't always work, but for me right now it does. For my teacher, it was just good to touch bases and show a little gratitude. For my friend down the street we got to meet up and talk and really be together and be in the moment and catch up. Small acts of reaching out and bring back great rewards.

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