Tuesday, March 31, 2020

10 social activities that don't require physical interaction outside your home

Hopefully these are helpful and can bring a little joy to you and the people you serve!
  1. Play a board or card game
  2. Make a card and sent it to someone
  3. Plan a picnic
  4. Plan a movie marathon (what will you watch, when, food, who's invited)
  5. Have a water fight
  6. Create a scavenger hunt
  7. Serve a neighbor
  8. Send someone a box of sunshine
  9. Write to a pen-pal (soldier, child in a hospital, favorite author, missionary)
  10. Find people you know who could use some happy mail. My friend recently told me of some of her family struggles so I decided to write to her daughters. We'll see how that goes. 
  11. Plan a family talent show

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