Tuesday, March 31, 2020

11 Physical activities for kids of any age

Again, I had this all ready for summer but now is as good a time as any. Probably don't go swimming unless you have a pool at your house. I doubt  you'd be able to find an open pool anyway. Depending on where you are slip and slide and water fight might be questionable as well. 


All people need to move their bodies. This helps keep us healthy. Our bodies were made to move. Bonus if we are moving outside! Hopefully we can do some activities as a family, but individually is important too.
For more ideas go here

  1. Go for a hike (plan a hike for the family)
  2. Go swimming (plan a swimming trip since unfortunately we do not have a pool)
  3. Go geocaching
  4. Go for a walk
  5. Do some yoga
  6. Go for a bike ride
  7. Play a sport
  8. Do some kind of workout video
  9. Have a nerf gun war 
  10. Have a water fight
  11. Slip and slide

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